Sunday 29th December 11am
11:00 am11:00

Sunday 29th December 11am

‘2024, How was it for you?’

Joan Cook

 A ‘Circle Service’, with the opportunity to light candles for the highs and lows we have experienced in 2024, as it comes to its close. 
An opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings from the past year, in a supportive, safe environment.

(In St. Mark's and on Zoom)

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‘All Souls’                  Joan Cook          (in St. Mark's and on Zoom)
11:00 am11:00

‘All Souls’ Joan Cook (in St. Mark's and on Zoom)



Sunday 3rd November 11am                                  
                               Remembering those we have lost.     

                                To join the service use the link:

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Sunday 15th September 11am (In St. Mark's and on Zoom)
11:00 am11:00

Sunday 15th September 11am (In St. Mark's and on Zoom)

Janine Sim ‘New things’

We are delighted to welcome Janine, our new Ministry student and we will be celebrating her first service in St. Mark's with a pot-luck lunch afterwards. If you are able, please bring a (cold) dish to share.
Hot and cold drinks will be provided.
All are welcome, please contact Joan Cook on if you are planning to join us. 

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