Elyse Jacks (In St. Mark's and on Zoom at 11am) Musings from Mum: reflections on motherhood and identity
Followed by General meeting.

'Just One Thing' Jill Woolman In St. Mark’s at 11am and on Zoom
in St. Mark's and on Zoom 11am

‘Tending the Sacred Flame’
Janine Sim
In St. Mark’s and on Zoom.
(image courtesy of geralt at Pixabay)

‘The Trickster’
Janine Sim
In St. Mark’s and on Zoom
(image courtesy of johnhain at Pixabay)

'Prayer, some reflections on theory and practice’
Rev. Dr. Rob Whiteman
In St. Mark’s and on Zoom.
(Image courtesy of Couleur on Pixabay)

'Burns, the Abolitionist' Joan Cook
We are all familiar with the work of Robert Burns, his poetry, songs, and womanising, but are we as aware of his abolitionist activities?
In St. Mark's and on Zoom

Kyle McDonald (In St. Mark's and on Zoom)
'The New Year'
Kyle McDonald In St. Mark's and on Zoom

Sunday 29th December 11am
‘2024, How was it for you?’
Joan Cook
A ‘Circle Service’, with the opportunity to light candles for the highs and lows we have experienced in 2024, as it comes to its close.
An opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings from the past year, in a supportive, safe environment.
(In St. Mark's and on Zoom)

Sunday 22nd December 11am (On Zoom only, no service in St. Mark's)
‘Lights in the Darkness,
A Warm Blanket in the depths of Winter’
An alternative service for those who don’t look forward to Christmas for various reasons and may need some comfort during this time.
Lesley McKeown

Sunday 15th December 11am
‘Hope, Peace, Joy and Love’ Margery MacKay
(In St. Mark's and on Zoom)

'Clouds' Joan Cook (In St. Mark's and on Zoom) A look at ‘clouds’, literally and metaphorically.
Sunday 24th November 11am (in St Mark’s and on Zoom)
To join the service use the link:

‘Charity’ Janine Sim (In St. Mark's and on Zoom 11am)
To join the service use the link:

‘Remembrance Sunday’ 10.45am (in St. Mark's and on Zoom) Janine Sim
This service starts at 10:45 am to join in the national observance of the 2 minute silence.
To join the service use the link:

‘All Souls’ Joan Cook (in St. Mark's and on Zoom)
Sunday 3rd November 11am
Remembering those we have lost.
To join the service use the link:

'Autumn and the Wisdom of trees' Sunday October 13th 11am In St. Mark's and on Zoom
Julie Finneran
Thoughts about the changing of the season and what we can learn from trees.

Sunday October 6th Service 11am In St. Mark's and on Zoom ‘The Meaning of Loving Kindness’
‘The Meaning of Loving Kindness’
Reverent Gareth Jones

Sunday 29th September 11am (In St. Mark's and on Zoom)
‘New Beginnings’
Joan Cook
A service of Readings and Reflection, on the theme of New Beginnings.

Sunday 22nd September 11am (In St. Mark's and on Zoom)
Small Graces
Lesley McKeown
How our words and actions can be an influence and bring hope to others.
(Please note that unusually for a 'fourth Sunday of the month', the service will be held in St. Mark's and on Zoom as we're delighted that Lesley is travelling down from Elgin to be with us)

Sunday 15th September 11am (In St. Mark's and on Zoom)
Janine Sim ‘New things’
We are delighted to welcome Janine, our new Ministry student and we will be celebrating her first service in St. Mark's with a pot-luck lunch afterwards. If you are able, please bring a (cold) dish to share.
Hot and cold drinks will be provided.
All are welcome, please contact Joan Cook on joancook@hotmail.co.uk if you are planning to join us.

Sunday 8th September 11am (In St. Mark's and on Zoom)
‘Return of Our Refugee’
Joan Cook
Our refugee has returned home after her travels. To mark her return we
will be hearing more about her, and how she came to be part of St Mark’s

Sunday 1st September 11am (In St. Mark's and on Zoom)
‘What makes us worthy?’
Kyle McDonald